Thoughts on Today's Verse...

Nothing could keep Jesus from coming to save you — not the distance between heaven and earth, not the difficulty of an unexpected pregnancy, not a city fully of travelers and parents tired from a long journey, certainly not a maniacal king who sought to snuff out his life, not jeering mobs crying crucify him, not disciples that abandoned him, not soldiers that mocked him, not a whip that raked his flesh, and not a cross that claimed his physical life. So what makes you think he would let you go or give up on you after his love has captured your heart?

My Prayer...

Abba Father, help me understand your love more fully. Give me strength to overcome the doubts Satan has tried to plant in my heart. Bless me with your gracious power and transform me out of my own weakness into a useful tool for your service. Keep my eyes fixed on the Lord whose hand will not let the waves claim me nor let my own doubts detroy me. In Jesus' mighty name I pray. Amen.
The Thoughts and Prayer on Today's Verse are written by Phil Ware.


I see Christmas as snow,
Slade on the radio,
Happiness on T.V.,
Choirs to hear and see.

I Feel the Christmas Heat
From fires, people I meet
Plus all of the whiskey
drank by my family.

I hear Christmas is cold
if there is no one to hold.
A time you feel alone
If there's no-one at home.

I know Christmas is greed
born of commercial seed
Taking away Christ Mass
Replacing with X-Mass.

I hope the Messiah
Can make us look higher
Can bring back dignity
to Christianity

~ John Earls ~


Why is forgiveness so hard to Give?
When without God’s forgiveness we could not live.
I guess for us, to set pride aside
Is as hard as swimming against the tide
But without forgiveness, the Devil wins
For that is one step headed toward sin
Even if the sin against us was wrong
OUR sins, that are forgiven, go on and on.
We are taught, two wrongs don’t make a right
So against our own anger, we must fight
Seek God, talk to Him, praise Him for it all
And then, this anger, from you, He will withdraw.
For to think hate, and feel hate, we are just as bad,
And with these sins, we really make God sad
Think of those who you have hurt or have done wrong,
Remember their forgiveness and sing a new song
For to have God’s love and His forgiveness,
That alone should bring us bliss
When you feel the pain of the sin
Think of the cross, and the pain Jesus was in
Remember the debt that was paid for you
And to your fellow man, offer forgiveness too.

Angi Toth
Indianapolis, IN


The sinner bowed before the throne,
With tears and sorrow on his face,
"I am not worthy to be called Thy son,
Thy law of love, I have disgraced."

"Oh Lord, I’ve done so many things,
I’ve killed, I’ve stolen from the poor,
I’ve persecuted the ones that love Thy law,
And now, my punishment is death, I’m sure."

"My family and friends,
I’ve hurt beyond repair,
Have mercy on me oh Lord,"
The sinner cried in deep despair.

"Forgiveness, peace and love,
I long to obtain from Thee,
For you alone can do this work,
To save and pardon me."

"My words are too feeble,
My strength is almost gone,
Have mercy on me, o Son of David,
Have mercy on me, o Holy One."

Tears streaming down his face,
His eyes are sunken to the ground,
And then a hand has touched his brow,
"Arise my son, for in thee favor I have found."

The sinner looked unto the Savior
"I pledge my life and all that I have to Thee,
For I want the world to know it,
I serve the One who gave His life because of me.

Nothing is more precious than to serve Him,
The One who died for you and me,
For love is only spelled in blood,
On the hill of Golgotha, the cross of Calvary.

By: Adina Paul
New Rochelle, NY


Christians heed to what I say,
the Will of God is not in play.
We tend our flocks and nourish needs,
but don't go out where Jesus leads.

Our Churches big, despite the cost,
they comfort us, but not the lost.
It seems we've lost our given goal,
that everyone through Christ be whole.

Jesus said, "Go forth and teach,
to every nation you can reach."
"To Baptize them in Gods own name,
the Holy Ghost and Son the same."

He said, "Teach to them what I have taught,
the One they seek may now be sought."
Jesus said, "Go forth and teach",
but not just those He's called to preach.

There's people dying in their sin,
cause Christians now hold God within.
Revival comes from inside our heart,
I pray dear Lord, please help us start.

Fill us full of your Holy Ghost,
and place us where you need us most.
Please send us Lord into the lands,
to heal the sick, with your precious hands.

Lord give us faith and give us power,
to save the world this final hour.
Praise your name-THE KING ON HIGH,
if we don't do it, the stones will cry.

I pray YE LORD,
one humble plea,
don't send a stone Lord,
Please SEND ME.

Timothy Jon Barrett

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

God is not the big Scrouge in the sky, criticially looking down on his flawed children waiting to condemn those who mess up. Instead, he saw how broken, flawed, and messed up we were and entered our world to save it... to save us. God's purpose in sending Jesus is our life and our salvation.

My Prayer...

Heavenly Father, deliver me from the sin that entangles my actions and pollutes my heart. Create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit in me through your Holy Spirit. Thank you for your forgiveness and grace. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
The Thoughts and Prayer on Today's Verse are written by Phil Ware.
Thy Word, Oh Lord is a Fountain, with Living Waters deep
Throughout the passing ages It has watered many Sheep
Thy Word, Oh Lord is a Burning Lamp unto my stumbling feet
Lighting my way unto the place where You and I can meet
Thy Word Oh Lord is Pardon from all my sin and shame
Thy Word that Thou has magnified even above Thy Name
Thy Word Oh Lord each passing day brings such sweet Peace to me
Thy Word Oh Lord is full of Grace and Power and Purity
Thy Word Oh Lord is my Daily Bread
And Thy Spirit the Oil that anoints my head
Thy Word is my shelter from life’s raging storm
Thy Word is the Fire that keeps me warm
Thy Word is the Sword with which I must fight
Thy Word puts all my foes to flight
Thy Word is my Fortress that keeps me from fear
And my Guardian Angel that hovers so near
Thy Word is my Comfort when I am weak
Thy Word is Thy Voice with which Thou dost speak
Thy Word is a Friend in whom I confide
A Friend Who is always close by my side
Thy Word It begat me when I was lost
Thy Word did guide me straight to The Cross
And when all the words and works of men
And the world itself is gone
Thy Word Oh Lord shall yet endure
And lead us safely Home.
~ Arvil Jones ~


What did you find, Lord, on that day
While sowing your seed, you came by my way?
When seeds of grace to me you threw,
What did you find here, amidst the dew?

Was my heart like a path, hardened and cold
No place for your truth to burrow and take hold?
Did it lay there unyielded, left open as prey
For the birds of the air to come take it away?

Did you see me as weak and unable to bear
The suffering I'll have when your name I declare?
Did your truth find a joy that would wither away,
When my faith is tested, and finds a cost to pay?

When you looked my way and truth you cast down
Did the way of my heart cause you to frown?
Was I pulled by worry and distracted by things
That won't stand the fire when eternity rings?

Or did you, Lord, as the seed left your hand
Find a fertile heart on which it would land
Will your truth take hold and grow to yield
A legacy of grace, Your kingdom to build?

based on Jesus' Parable of the Sower
Matthew 13

by Jim Elder, Pastor
United Methodist Churches:
Montgomery, Mt. Zion and Atlanta, Louisiana


Jesus is the door from which to enter in
If you ask him to be your Savior, he'll wash away your sin
He'll remove your sin as far as the east is from the west
And remember then no more and make you eternally blest

The burden of sin will be lifted from the sorrow that it does bring
Just confess your sin to Jesus and he'll make your heart to sing
He loves you so much he shed his blood and died upon the tree
To give you eternal life and from sin to set you free

Free from the bondage with which Satan blinds your eyes
He is the great deceiver and is full of lies
The devil says there are many ways to get to heaven
But we must listen to God and he says there is only one way given

Jesus said I am the way and no one can be saved any other way
He loves you so much that he suffered so you could go to heaven someday
Just tell him you've done sins and you know he paid the price for them
Then he'll be your Savior and you'll have a new life to begin

His Word is the Truth and it will guide you all the way
Just lean upon his promises and trust them throughout all the day
Jesus is the wonderful Savior who came to pay the price
For crimes that we committed and his shed blood does suffice

~ Cindy Wyatt ~

Lord Jesus Christ,
I pray unto thee
that you open my eyes
so that I may see
the righteous path
thou has set for me.
Heal my heart
and mend my soul.
Help me to play
my servant role.

Lord Jesus Christ,
let me feel
thy precious, holy spirit
from head to heel.
Lead me through the paths
of which I may go.
Please, Lord, you lead the way
so that I may follow.

Lord Jesus Christ,
send blessings from above,
and send peace through my household
by sending the holy dove.
Guide me through this world
and keep sin from me away,
so I may better serve you
through each and everyday.

Lord Jesus Christ,
I ask you once again
to forgive me for my sins
and deliver me from pain.
I love you, God my Father,
and still can't understand why
that you took the place of THIS sinner,
and bore the cross to die.

Lord Jesus Christ,
help me to understand
that I am here for a reason
and that's why you made me who I am.
Chastise me, God,
when you feel the time is right,
and when I've lost my way back home
shine me a heavenly light.

Lord Jesus Christ,
I Pray unto thee
to search my heart thoroughly
as I give you the key.
I end this prayer with love
and tears streaming down my face.
Lord, thank you for the cross,
and your sweet Amazing Grace.


Miranda Patterson, Virginia

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

Jesus did not hang on to his heavenly glory, but surrendered it to save us. Now he asks us to follow his example and share his heart. He wants us to treat each other as he has treated us, thinking of their needs and God's will before our own. Now that's one revolution I hope I get to see fully happen!

My Prayer...

O Father God, please transform my heart and mind by the power of your Holy Spirit. I want my thoughts to be your thoughts. I want my hearts desire to reflect the passions of your Son. I want my will to be guided by your Spirit. Please forgive my tendency to ruthlessly hang on to my own importance, my own will, and my own self-justification, even when I know it is not right or best. Make my mind more like the mind of your Son. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
The Thoughts and Prayer on Today's Verse are written by Phil Ware.


Lord it was Good Friday,
The day on which you paid.
Man's debts you cancelled, man's sins you cleansed.
By man you were betrayed.

To reconcile us to yourself,
The power of the cross,
A holy living sacrifice,
To save mankind who's lost.

You shed your blood for all,
To bring us into light,
That we may look and turn to You, for everlasting life.

The Lamb who takes away our sins,
Whose truth will set us free,
For God so loved, he gave his Son,
Such love for you and me.
The atonement on Good Friday, the ransom that you gave, who you raised to life, so we might live,
Defeated death and grave.

Your words will never pass away,
Your love for us remains,
You'll raise us on that holy day,
Washed free of sin and stains.

Thank you God Almighty,
I know I’m bought at a cost.
I know that I'm a sinner,
And I know that I was lost.

You've given me understanding,
You've helped me see in part,
You’ve made me new, to follow you,
To keep you in my heart.

~ Leonie Russell ~
Derry, N. Ireland

When you've given your all,
And have answered the call
To a life set apart;
Then do not lose heart,
When some do not understand,
Just remember who holds your hand.

When you've known defeat,
And you're feeling just about beat,
Remember what you must do,
For "He" remaineth true;
True to the end,
And He will not send more than you can bear.

So be vigilant in prayer,
And not given to despair
Rebuke the deceiver,
Stand firm as a believer;
For in Christ you can rest,
He knoweth what's best!

Written Inspired Sunday February 28, 2010
So we may say with confidence, the Lord is my helper, I will not be afraid what man can do to me. Hebrews 13:6
Although he stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with His hand. Psalm 37:24
You then, my son, be strong in the grace that in Christ Jesus. II Timothy 2:1
~ Anna Tucker ~


Wild flowers of the valley
That God created with love
Every flower has its own beauty
That God made with his touch

People are like the flowers
With Gods touch they will bloom
Without his blessing showers
Their beauty will be ruin

Gods loving touch is everywhere
Just look and you shall see
His gentle hands and their sweetness
Made everything perfect and neat

He sent his son down to this earth
For our mortal sinful ways
Let's be very thankful
What he did for us that day

Let's keep him in our spirit
Follow him with your whole heart
For he is the key to Heaven
Capture this in thy hearts

God's touch is to mankind
As the rain is to the flowers
Without it they have no hope
They would wilt and cannot survive

Blessing will be upon upon us
When we will follow his ways
Eternal life we will receive
Peace and his wondrous grace

Rosalene Wurtz
Hi Lord, it’s me. We are getting older and things are getting ...bad here. Gas prices are too high, no jobs, and food and heating costs too high. I know some have taken you out of our schools, government and even Christmas, but Lord I'm asking you to come back and re-bless America and Canada. We really need you! There are more of us who want you than those who don't! Thank You Lord, I Love You.


What is Christmas all about you might ask?
I wonder if this question can be answered at last.

Is Christmas about all the presents you buy at some store?
Like Toys, Cell Phones, Electronics and more.

All Kinds of foods prepared for us on this special date.
Hurry! Everyone let’s fill our plates.

There’s no time to waste let’s get it all done.
Checking the names on our list and don’t miss anyone.

It’s going to be great and it’s going to be grand.
Boxes and boxes of stuff all made in some foreign land.

But wait and stop for a while.
Listen to your heart as you begin to smile.

Christmas is really much more than what you can buy.
Listen and I can explain in a twinkling of an eye.

Christmas is more than presents we give to each other or maybe a stranger.
Christmas is about that little Babe who was born in a Manger.

He was born in a Manger because of no room at the Inn.
This Christ Child grew up to be the World’s Greatest Teacher and Mankind’s Savior from sin.

Christmas to me means the Savior has come.
He brings forgiveness and peace for each and every one.

Hallelujah! Hallelujah! I say with great joy.
This world is now brighter because of Jesus that little Baby Boy.

~ R.W. Carey ~

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

God had repeatedly promised it. Men, women, and angels had long anticipated it. Now, in Jesus, it happens. God is with us. Jesus is Immanuel. We live on a visited planet, touched by the very presence of God among us. And it was just as the prophets of old had said.

My Prayer...

LORD God, my heavenly Father, thank you for keeping your promises, especially when it was so incredibly costly for you to do so. I want to know you better, O God, not just as someone I study, but as someone I encounter in my daily life. Please make your presence known as I seek you. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
The Thoughts and Prayer on Today's Verse are written by Phil Ware.

Another beautiful sunrise is shining,
And casts sparkles among the trees,
The sun rises higher each moment,
Have we taken time, upon our knees?

Do we hurry through, with God, in Prayer....
So we can rush about, this day?
Do we take time....for others, to care?
Or, are we "too busy" even Pray?

The way of Life goes so much better,
If we spend time with our Father,
Remember Jesus...and ask for Guidance,
And always Praying, daily, for one another.

How quickly the day comes to an end,
And the sun the Western sky,
God Loves us...and walks with us,
And He will be with us...when we die.
Leona I. Miller

It was six months ago, and a day,
when her husband passed away.
The doctors said there’s no more to do,
so she quit her job to help him through.

The child was sleeping when his father died,
to tell her son, oh how she tried.
The little boy cried that night,
full of fear, full of fright.

And on that night she lost her faith,
never to believe in the “Pearly Gate”.
She made a vow to never pray,
it meant nothing now, anyway.

At the funeral, he could only stare,
wishing that his Dad were there.
Tears were filling people’s eyes,
saddened by the young boy’s cries.

As the months went by, things got rough,
she went back to work, but it wasn’t enough.
With no food, no money, and bills to pay,
she just couldn’t bring herself to pray.

Before she knew it, it was Christmas Time,
and she wasn’t able to save a dime.
She felt so bad that she had no tree,
for all her son’s friends to see.

On Christmas Eve, they slept together,
she promised her son, she’d be there forever.
He asked her if Santa was coming tonight,
she whispered no, with tears in sight.

Her son would sulk, it wasn’t fair,
she hated to see him in despair.
She wanted to give her son some joy,
oh how she wished she had a toy.

The mother got to her knees to pray,
asking the Lord to hear her say.
She asked for help to return a smile,
to the face of her little child.

On Christmas Morning, the boy was screaming,
she saw his eyes were wide and gleaming.
At the door were games, toys, even a bike,
and a card that said “for the tyke”.

With a great big smile and eyes so bright,
he kissed his mom as he held her tight.
She learned that a charity heard of her plight,
and frantically scrambled through the night.

The mother got to her knees to pray,
thanking the Lord for hearing her say.
She thanked the Lord for returning a smile,
to the face of her little child.

Paul R. MacPherson


Let them call you names
Let them think you a fool
Have no time for their games
Dive not into their pool
Make the Bible your standard

Let them dress to kill
Let them woo for bed
Continue with Christ's last will
That He can forgive though their sin be red
Make the Bible your standard

Let them trade their souls for fame
Let them spill blood for power
At judgment day there shall be no room for name
Your power will be exercised in paradise tower
Make the Bible your standard

Let them with their talent dig money rift
Let them the finest boat sail
But you, keep serving the Creator with your gift
And though it tarries, your desires will follow you like a tail
Just make the Bible your standard

~ Kufre Udeme ~


Fellowship is wonderful,
When praise to God it brings,
with earthly cares forsaken'
what sweet serenity it rings.

Fellow is wonderful,
with Satan left behind,
Serving thee with all I can,
Oh what a truth to find.

Fellowship is wonderful,
When spent with my Lord,
In his holy presence,
I am healed and restored.

Fellowship is wonderful,
Oh that I have to say,
To draw closer to him,
Christ, our life and way.

~ Mindy Roberts ~


In this day and age
if we made a list
what we are thankful for
of what would it consist ?

God has not changed.
He is the same now as then.
Jesus paid the price
so heaven we may enter in.

First I would thank God
for his love that sent his Son.
Giving man a blessed route
where all obedient are one.

Then I would thank our Father
for establishment of family.
The example Jesus set on
how men are to be manly.

Thank Him for our mothers,
who are a shadow of his church,
who care and tend to children,
teaching and training from birth.

Thank Him for our children.
When a man can feel his worth,
as he stands in amazement,
while witnessing their birth.

The angels in heaven rejoice,
when a sinner is born again.
A babe in Christ is added,
now God can call you friend.

Thank you Heavenly Father
for teaching us how to love.
How to place in order
things below and above.

Do not love family
more than you love me.
For surely if you do
your foot is off the rock of Christ
accepting things not true.

Give thanks for each sunrise,
and every breath we take.
Thank him for birds that sing,
and every step we make.

Thank him for each heartbeat,
being able to see and hear,
a heart that receives Him,
for perfect love that casts out fear.

Freely we have received
freely we must give
for if we ever fail to
then we no longer live.

 ~ Daniel Younger ~

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

Because of the LORD God's grace and power, we will be victors. This is the final message of Revelation. It is the song that is sung throughout the Scriptures. This is the assurance that we have from God himself. Our lives will not be lived in vain. Those who berate, belittle, and batter God's people will be exposed and his beloved children, his saints of light, will receive vindication and salvation from the Father they love.

My Prayer...

Dear God, I pray especially today for your servants who are sharing the Gospel in difficult places. Some of these precious ones are imprisoned. Some are facing torture. Others are facing ostracism. Some face firing in their workplace. Please give them strength today. Please deliver them from the evil one's vile intent. Protect them by your mighty hand and deliver them, like Daniel, from the lion's mouth to your glory. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
The Thoughts and
Prayer on Today's Verse are written by Phil Ware.


In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. 1 Thessalonians 5:18

May we always focus on the good
And count our blessings as we should.
May all our complaints depart
And thank God with a grateful heart.

Our troubles may be the same,
But we can still praise His good name!
Our load may be hard to bear,
But thank God, the Loadbearer is there.

We will forget to complain
And not mention life’s pain,
If our days are filled with praise,
And we thank God in all our ways.

Don’t think that things are so bad,
And don’t live with a heart so sad.
Countless blessings are ours each day.
Let us thank God when we kneel and pray.

~ Gene Griffin ~


The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise. Psalm 51:17

A broken and contrite spirit
The LORD doth desire;
No better sacrifice tan this
To set my heart afire.

Softly the Spirit whispers the need
Of our souls to our heart;
All-knowing, sees
With the love that shall never depart.

When the vessel is broken
The Light will shine through;
Sometimes our greatest need is pain,
A truth understood by few.

Only when the heart is broken
And the tears begin to flow,
Can the glory of the Lord
Be seen and His likeness show.

So weary, burdened pilgrim,
The broken heart don’t despise,
Knowing there’s rest at the Cross
And a glorious heavenly prize.

~ Gene Griffin ~

Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? And one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father. Matthew 10:29

See the little bird
Spoken of in God’s Word?
The most common of birds is he;
But he has a special message for you and me.

The cardinal, the blue bird, the chickadee all share
A noble beauty beyond compare.
Of all birds the sparrow is not the most fair,
Yet God uses him as an illustration of His care.

But God has chosen the most common of birds to bear -
A message to cheer us in our day of care.
God loves the sparrow so well;
How much He loves us no one can tell.

Our value is more than many sparrows can be;
Our Father has an infinite love for you and me.
He sees each sparrow that falls to the ground.
With that little bird His presence can be found.

So the next time you are loaded down with care,
Think of the sparrow message God has to share.
Since He takes good care of His little bird,
He’ll take care of us according to His Word.

Gene Griffin

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

I love the coast of Maine. The craggy shorelines, the crashing surf, and the lighthouses perched at strategic and well-fortified points along the coastline. I cannot help but think of our heavenly Father when I watch the gloom gather as an impending storm noisily makes its way on shore. There in the storm — with lightning ripping through the sky, winds howling, and the surf crashing — stands the light that guides the way, strong against the elements and a beacon of direction and hope. Yes, the LORD, Yahweh the God of Israel, the Almighty Creator of all things, is my light and my salvation. My life, the eternal part of me, is entrusted with him. I choose not to fear. I place my trust in him.

My Prayer...

Father in heaven, I praise you for your faithfulness through the ages. I thank you for your steadfast love that has blessed each generation, giving hope in times of darkness, salvation in times of wantonness, and strength in times of weakness. Now I ask that you be with several people I love, who need your palpable presence as they fight their battles. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
The Thoughts and
Prayer on Today's Verse are written by Phil Ware.


Another day of suffering, trials and tribulations on this here earth.
I know what it cost, I know what it's worth.
It cost a Shepherd, Counselor and Redeemer all He had to give.
To set us Free
Just so you and I could live forever
In Eternity
So did you do, All you had to do!
To keep the Faith?
Remember it all comes back to this,
This Here Day!

Richard Turner
Vacaville, CA

Here is another poem by Richard:

I just want to say thank You Jesus
For setting me free
I just want to say thank You Father God
For making Your only begotten Son sacrifice equal eternity
If I just said thank You for everything
That would be so trite
For how many people would give themselves to save a life
For me to say thank You for anything less
Its not paying reverence, and I'm not offering You my best
So to show what this means to me
Father, use me to set the other captives Free!
So! Father to this end
Use me as a chosen vessel You can send
Until I see You face to face
And hear the words well done
You ran a Faithful race
Welcome home my Son!

Richard Turner
Vacaville, CA

An understatement of oppression
Or maybe just a hint of depression
Too many questions, when will you learn?
That life isn't only about your turn
A battle is raging and its only just begun
Its not about you, who you are, or where you come from
Your mistakes make you who you are
Don't give up, grow from the scar
But many of us notice this when its too late
We've come to believe in a world full of hate
We're selfish and we're cruel and we've learned to break the rule
The world revolves around us and we figure its all cool
Nothing seems to be enough
Our joy and life is hard and tough
People view us as strong; we put on a good show
But true reality, they'll never really know
We go to church, play by the rules
Our smiles are simply used as a tool
It's a masque ball, everyone is lying
In out hearts were really crying
No one understand of know
Who we are and that we chose
A life of battle and of rage
We keep being thrown back in our cage
And in reality its all of us
But we as one can fight this because
Our faith n God can heal us all
And through it all we can just call
Upon His mighty Godly name
And in second He then came
He opened up our eyes to see
The truth of love and purity
He healed our scars, gave us a crown
And took us to His heavenly town
So if you think your all alone
Know that He chose you as His own.

~ Danielle Gutsman ~


Oh Lord, I'll rejoice and be glad for this day!
To you, oh Lord, I pray. With thanksgiving, I present my needs to you.
I know you’ll find a way.

Without you Lord, I have no good thing,
I can do nothing apart from you.
I find faith in your word; in your time I'll be heard,
Jesus, you’ll know what to do.

I lean on you Lord to answer my prayer,
As I cast my cares above.
You'll always do what's best for me, so covered in your love.

I pray to you for guidance, on worry, fear or strife,
I’ll fix my eyes on the Lamb of God, the way, the truth, the life.

“There's no need to add to the worries, that each and every day brings”,
I look to you God to answer my prayers,
As You know, I need all these things.

“Ask and you will receive”,
Your promise, I do believe.
For those who ask, receive,
Those who seek, do find,
To those who knock, the door is opened,
Jesus, eternally kind.

Let me love you with all of my heart,
And seek your kingdom first,
For you alone are the Holy One, in whose love, I am immersed.

~ Leonie Russell ~
Derry, N. Ireland

An Open Letter from God:

My Dear Children,

As I take a pen in my hand,
It seems to Me you've failed to understand,

From ages past,
right up to the end,
All along it has been,
My concept, my Plan,
To accomplish my Will,..
I must dwell within Man.

The Spirit of Jesus came,
To Live Inside,..
Not just next to,
or Beside,
but deep in us,
He Lives Within.

Some ask, "Give me Your Power"
but, the Power is Mine,
and resides within!
Not from out of You,
but from out of Him!

Oh, My Child, Do you not see?
Before He came, and His Blood to Spill,..
Before He died upon the Tree,..
In the Garden,.. He surrendered His Will?

Some say "I will follow Him"
but continue to live their own way,
Don't you see, HE must live within?
Truly follow Him, that is what I pray.

Others say, "What have I yet to do?"
Oh, my Children, is it not clear?
Your Death to self, is what you must do.
Yield to Him, for He loves you so Dear!

"What is surrender? How must I die?"
Do what Jesus did, Give your will to Him!
It's not about you,.. it is all about I,..
He must be allowed to have His way Within!

He who saves his own life will lose it.
Give it to Jesus, and you will save it.

~ Gary Christensen ~

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

God is our comforter, sustainer, and Lord. Only his gracious presence and tender blessings can bring consolation and comfort to our restless and discouraged souls. So let's turn to him, honestly confessing both our sins and our sorrows. Let's ask him to take our anxiety away and restore to us the passion, the joy, and the confidence of our salvation.

My Prayer...

Almighty Shepherd, in the noise and confusion of many thoughts burdened by many concerns, minister to me through your Holy Spirit. I need your comfort and peace. I ask for your presence and your grace. In Jesus' name I ask. Amen.
The Thoughts and
Prayer on Today's Verse are written by Phil Ware.


O Jesus, Jesus, all to Thee!
My hands, for labor Thine;
Take this faith of mustard seed
And plant it in Thy vine.

Stay the fox of spoiling tread
Which mar the pleasant fruit;
Strike the unyielding branch as dead
Which in thee takes no root.

Thy gentle love embraceth me,
Thy warm-enclosing grace!
Thy rock’s-cleft hedge formed from Thee
That I may behold Thy face.

O glorious Jesus! High and divine,
How wonderful Thou art!
Forever I lift my hands to praise Thee;
Bright and Morning Star!

As the hart panteth the waters by,
My heart panteth after Thee;
Look up, thou fleeting life of mine,
Ascend to His great majesty.

As smoke from burning coals arise
To champion incense about His throne,
Savor for my Saviour, be not despised;
Thou ascendest to Him, and Him alone.

Could Eye, in sleeping wonder wake
When my Redeemer calls?
Could earth, with gaping mouth intake
The rain of mercy that falls?

Then shall my prayers as odours sweet
Perfume the nightly sky:
Bestow my gifts at my Master’s feet
Who blesseth me by and by.

Let mercy as the rivers flow
Like ardent springs of life;
Thy hand of tenderness doth show
As a husband doth His wife.

Into the Everlasting’s hand
I cling with grip-tight hope;
Flee my desires to seek Thy commands,
More favorable in scope.

Look here now at the Saviour’s hands,
The nail-print indentures of love!
When life arouses troubling bands,
I seek my help from above.

Bruised for my iniquities' sake,
No balm could heal His wounds;
For sinners, their chastisement take
The Father’s striking blows.

From henceforth came the crimson tide
From Calvary’s fatal wood;
All heaven knelt as Jesus stood
As waters to the shores subside.

Meet me at the tarrying brook
When dawning breaketh day;
The gleaming Sun o’er yonder took
And thawed my sins away!

O Jesus, Jesus, all to Thee!
The summation of my life’s story;
Count all but loss, my life shall be:
To God, be all the glory!

~ Elijah Sims ~
Thy Word, Oh Lord is a Fountain, with Living Waters deep
Throughout the passing ages It has watered many Sheep
Thy Word, Oh Lord is a Burning Lamp unto my stumbling feet
Lighting my way unto the place where You and I can meet
Thy Word Oh Lord is Pardon from all my sin and shame
Thy Word that Thou has magnified even above Thy Name
Thy Word Oh Lord each passing day brings such sweet Peace to me
Thy Word Oh Lord is full of Grace and Power and Purity
Thy Word Oh Lord is my Daily Bread
And Thy Spirit the Oil that anoints my head
Thy Word is my shelter from life’s raging storm
Thy Word is the Fire that keeps me warm
Thy Word is the Sword with which I must fight
Thy Word puts all my foes to flight
Thy Word is my Fortress that keeps me from fear
And my Guardian Angel that hovers so near
Thy Word is my Comfort when I am weak
Thy Word is Thy Voice with which Thou dost speak
Thy Word is a Friend in whom I confide
A Friend Who is always close by my side
Thy Word It begat me when I was lost
Thy Word did guide me straight to The Cross
And when all the words and works of men
And the world itself is gone
Thy Word Oh Lord shall yet endure
And lead us safely Home.
~ Arvil Jones ~


I never knew you Lord,
Or your love in such great measure.
I'd heard about you as a child
But you were someone else's treasure.
I'd always hoped for more, I hoped you would be true,
When growing up, I'm sure you knew
I was always seeking you.

Teenage cries, confusion reigned, the order of the day.
And all the while, your awesome presence, with me all the way.
Not knowing you're my Saviour; I'd never heard of grace,
I couldn't hear your voice of love, so closely at my face.
I'd always hoped for more, still hoping you'd be true,
Still growing up, I'm sure you knew,
I was always seeking you.

Unsuccessful plans, mistakes were running high,
An adult crying to the Lord; He'll know the reasons why.
I heard about you in that book, when I was but a child,
I wanted to know this Jesus, so kind and meek and mild.
I'm so grateful for your word, in You I've come alive,
My heart you've filled with gladness, and joy has filled my eyes.
I'm glad I hoped for more, and now I know You're true,
When growing up, I never knew
That You would seek me too.

~ Leonie Russell ~
Derry, N. Ireland

Lord Jesus Christ,
I pray unto thee
that you open my eyes
so that I may see
the righteous path
thou has set for me.
Heal my heart
and mend my soul.
Help me to play
my servant role.

Lord Jesus Christ,
let me feel
thy precious, holy spirit
from head to heel.
Lead me through the paths
of which I may go.
Please, Lord, you lead the way
so that I may follow.

Lord Jesus Christ,
send blessings from above,
and send peace through my household
by sending the holy dove.
Guide me through this world
and keep sin from me away,
so I may better serve you
through each and everyday.

Lord Jesus Christ,
I ask you once again
to forgive me for my sins
and deliver me from pain.
I love you, God my Father,
and still can't understand why
that you took the place of THIS sinner,
and bore the cross to die.

Lord Jesus Christ,
help me to understand
that I am here for a reason
and that's why you made me who I am.
Chastise me, God,
when you feel the time is right,
and when I've lost my way back home
shine me a heavenly light.

Lord Jesus Christ,
I Pray unto thee
to search my heart thoroughly
as I give you the key.
I end this prayer with love
and tears streaming down my face.
Lord, thank you for the cross,
and your sweet Amazing Grace.


Miranda Patterson, Virginia

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

Where do you need to grow in your walk with the Lord? How about keeping the tandem targets of grace and knowledge together as your goal. So often we pursue one or the other. But something seems to come unhinged in our soul when either of those becomes more important than the other. Let's keep grace and knowledge together because we see them together in our Savior.

My Prayer...

Holy God, I want to grow to be more like Jesus. I know I cannot do that without your Spirit's power and my hearts desire. In addition, dear Father, I want to grow in being a gracious person. I want to know and experience Jesus' presence in my life. Please bless me in this holy quest. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
The Thoughts and Prayer on Today's Verse are written by Phil Ware.

A God Of Hope

I just want to say thank you
For this life you've given me,
For all the wondrous blessings,
For setting my spirit free

You are such an awesome God
Who only gives the best,
Giving us a life of hope
When we face all kinds of tests

For often we face in life,
Struggles of every kind,
Little things can get us down
And peace is far from our minds

But you give hope to carry on
No matter what we face,
When we feel like giving up,
Unable to finish the race

You step in just in time
With angels heaven sent,
To encourage us to carry on
And to give us extra strength

So I praise you, Lord, for whom you are
And for all that I can be,
For I'd never have a better life
Apart from your life in me.
© By M.S.Lowndes


My rock, my fortress,
My restorer you are.
Even when you don't feel close
You're never far.

Sometimes life hurts,
Too much to feel,
But things we can't see
Are sometimes more real.

Like the grace of God
That holds me tight,
Even when I'm in the middle
Of the ferocious fight.....

To hold on to faith
And the things I can't see.
These things that are of God,
And are carrying me.

He knows I hurt,
And the pain so raw,
And I can't remember
The things of God I saw

When life was happy, rich,
And more kind.
But God is faithful and knows
That I will find...

That as I just call His name
Bringing my hopelessness to Him,
As I persevere in prayer,
His grace He will send.

His mercy is present
In those worrying days,
And I don't realize He's working
In unknown ways.

But I go by the facts
And not what I feel
And also by faith
To know what is real.

And that is that HE is my rock
In the pain and stress,
I take Him at His word
And bring my weary self to His rest.

Usually at some point
I begin to look back and see,
That HE gradually gave new strength and life,
And took care of me.

He took my pain and fears
! And situations of need,
And because of faith, and grace
He worked for good, indeed.

So when deep pain, worry and stress
Come knocking at my door,
I will answer with cries of faith
To the rock, who will restore!

~ Sheila Shepard ~
Richmond, Va.


In the center of the circle
That you thought would never end
'Till the walls began to crumble,
The Future started to bend
There beyond the black horizon
Was a light long self-denied
As the Son began his breakthrough
Shook the walls that were inside
And the water all around you
Was the flow of frozen tears
When you thought that they might drown you
His salvation held you near....
You were born across the line
As a circle of decline

As you walk through lonesome doorways
Can you hear him in the wind?
He is calling you from your ways
That have drifted into sin
You're so sure in your conviction
That He cannot know your pain
But He bore the crucifixion
And died whispering your name
Did you think that He must hate you
That you are His crown of thorns?
He never forsakes those who
Bear his mark and are reborn...
Though He seems so hard to find
There's a pathway in your mind

All your life you've felt the demons
But you buried them inside
Every day to you a season
With the harvest blood and pride
Lovers could not give you more
And yet your loneliness remained
Because all the grain you stored
Knew that it would be tearstained
As the tide in desperation
Tries to cling onto the shore
Meekly returns to its station
Always knowing it needs more
But today you've felt the Son
Your inner-sense knows you've become ...
A burning windmill turning
To the presence in the air

Though the world around is darkness
Failure falling to decline
Self-pity is its songstress
As it's running out of time
Let the Son begin to shine,
Make your faith within a sign.
That you're held by the divine.

The author wishes to remain anonymous

Although only a short time on this Earth Christ did dwell
The impact He had on us only time will tell.
What Christ did was to liberate us from sin
He showed us how to let a new life begin.
He told us we are to forgive and forget
He lived the example we are to set.
He gave all honor and glory to God’s Holy Name
He taught us we are to do the exact same.
What Christ brought into this world was change
He showed us our priorities we need to rearrange.
He told us God is to be first in our life
To put aside all foolishness and Earthly strife.
He foretold how we are to serve the Lord
To think of God as life’s ultimate reward.
And in this our lifetime only Christ will tell
If it be Heaven or hell in Eternity we dwell.

~ Robert Breaux ~

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

Faith in Jesus is the absolutely crucial response to God's grace and is such a life-transforming blessing. For the jailer, faith meant hearing the gospel of Jesus as Lord and responding by believing that message, being baptized immediately, demonstrating a life change, and sharing in fellowship with other believers (cf. Acts 2:42-47). Imagine going from being the jailer over men to washing their wounds in your own home! Think about being responsible for the painful incarceration of men, then have these men baptize you and your family that same night! Imagine locking in chains men who would later sit at your table sharing a meal! Isn't God incredible! Isn't his grace indescribable! No wonder we rejoice when those who are lost truly believe! Life is forever different.

My Prayer...

Father, thank you for the surprises you have brought to me by your grace. Please bless me as I try to share your grace by presenting the Gospel of Jesus this week to those I love. In the name of the Lord Jesus I pray. Amen.
The Thoughts and
Prayer on Today's Verse are written by Phil Ware.
He is my all especially when I fall
He is my comfort when the winds are cold
The chill of the emptiness and my hunger may call
But I feel at ease knowing he is my all
And though I cry sometimes no matter what time of day
When I get discouraged he guides my way
You are my morning sun even in the rain
My stroking of my hair when in pain
And as the depths of me cry out to you
I pray you stay and keep doing the things you do
I know I am not perfect and this one can see
Even the blind know the flaws that are of me
I feel your assurance one day I will be free
Your eyes of garnets your hair of brown fire and skin of amber honey silk
Your kind hands and caresses as smooth as fresh milk
And your voice and song of leagues of angels sing to me
Even your words carry sweet melody
I hunger for you as a great lion with no food to eat
I thirst for you in a furnace like desert without defeat
Yes I say the glory is when I fall
To remind me each day you are my all

~ Lisa Jones ~

Please Lord I am down on my knees
Help me now Lord help me please
Times are rough, and the air is thick
Help me now Lord I am sick

I pray to you Lord help me now
I don't know how to escape Lord tell me how
Please help me get out of this mess
Please Lord I want to be blessed

I pray to you now Lord I also pray then
When will this end Lord please tell me when
The stress is catching up to be
Please save me Lord and set me free

I pray to you now Lord you are everywhere
Where do I go Lord please tell me where
I am lost right now unable to see
Please Lord be here to guide me

I pray to you now Lord up in the Sky
Why must we suffer Lord please tell me why
I know you are there making us strong
Please Lord help me see what's wrong

I pray to you now Lord do I make the cut?
I open my heart to you Lord and guess what
You protect me when things are bad
and cheer me up when I am sad

I pray to you now Lord what am I to do?
Follow your will for you are the One who
Died on the cross wiping away my sins
So one day my eternal life with you begins

Brandon Auman
Pennsylvania, U.S.A.

Jesus is our superhero
Though like Batman, He is not
Doesn't get on with the devil
Cause he hurts us quite a lot
Jesus won a special battle
Died upon an ugly cross
Rose again to give us victory
It's our gain, the devils' loss.

Jesus is our superhero
Helps us out in many ways
Lives inside us through His Spirit
Keeps us safe from day to day
We can choose to live without Him
Living by a different rule
Ask Him now to be your hero
Wouldn't that be rather

~ Mike Bullock, UK ~

A precious child of God is going home.
And a choir of winged ones sing.
The Lord is sending a personal escort.
It’s merely a short
trip by angel’s wing.
Your dear one held within a guardian’s gentle arms,
a loving embrace, which softens death’s sting.

Can you hear that gentle sound?
An angel is whispering in your ear,
saying your
loved one is in a good place.
There is no need for you to shed a tear.
He’s been released from the cares of this world.
She will never again have a reason to fear.

Your heart is filled with memories of him.
In spirit, she is with you still.
You may not feel you can be happy now.
But some time in the future, you will.

For you both will again come face to face.
When in Heaven, a fond reunion will take place.

~ Lanette Kissel ~

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

Our life in Christ is such a blessing! We welcome new Christians into our fellowship to share that blessing. We don't bring them in to scrutinize their past failures or the current struggles, but to bring them into the love of God's famiily. God has welcomed us graciously and compassionately. Let's do the same with new Christians.

My Prayer...

Father, please make me more understanding and patient with my brothers and sisters in Christ, especially those who are new Christians. In Jesus' name I pray.
The Thoughts and
Prayer on Today's Verse are written by Phil Ware.


Please the will of our creators plan,
I was a bleak and broken spoke of a man.
I pleased he not for I did not see,
blinded by the mire and smoke just to be.
I took my love to be faithful and true,
the seed was planted, opalescent cream of new.
The fresh crop became the seasons of life,
while the world got gruelling and bitter with strife.
So the weakness to fall for the selfishness of the world,
becomes the focus of this confusing swirl.
The seed was planted against my will,
the root became an unwanted weed to kill.
Now the sorrow and heartbreak had filled my cup,
the choice I had made God did not drink up.
So the pain and agony went on for some seasons,
till God raised me up for all righteous reasons.
Our fruit is ripe and I thank God for the light,
the binding vine the fruit of God’s might.
The forgiveness is given to be regaled with joy,
God opened my eyes towards the gift of a boy.
He suffered the agony so that we may live,
Our faith trust and believing so we must give.
I thank you Lord to set me straight,
from the ignorance and tolerance and all of the hate.

Ronald Jenkins, Florida


When I was full of hot air,
My tongue never did rest;
Because an ignorant man
Can always argue the best.

I would continue to argue,
After everyone fell asleep;
I wasn't full of the Spirit,
What I was full of was me.

God showed me my heart,
And I saw a big hypocrite;
If I was full of something,
It was not the Holy Spirit.

So loaded with knowledge,
I was totally empty of God;
There are so many like that,
That you and I may applaud.

We may think we're a leader,
But with nobody following;
We're only taking a walk,
We're not open to learning.

If we're filled with the Spirit,
We'll be emptied of pride;
But if we're full of ourselves,
We haven't been crucified

Marty Stokes
Hudson, FL